Friday, April 23, 2010

Mixed Emotions

I am so excited! Today I am preparing for a trip to see my daughter and her family! Lisa is expecting her second baby in just a few days, and I get to go and help with my granddaughter, and spend time with the beautiful family. I can hardly wait to see my girls! But, it is also a bit difficult for me to leave my husband, son, daughter, and friends. I just said a tearful good-bye to Number One son, who will celebrate his 18th birthday and attend two proms while I am away. I am such a crybaby when it comes to the separation moment.

Thankfully, my traveling companion is my precious Second son, who just said, "If you're okay Mom, I'll go finish packing." He knows his emotional mother. Earlier today, we stopped at our local library to find some good stories to keep us entertained on our 9-10 hour drive. We chose; The Scarlet Letter, Huckleberry Finn, and Frankenstein. Should be very interesting, and fits well with our study of American and British Literature. We both look forward to the time together.

God is doing so many wonderful things in my life right now! Among these are some new adventures with homeschooling. My very dear friend Sheri, who is definitely a soulmate, and I are following His leading and her vision to help fellow homeschoolers. We are starting with a support group for parents and teachers (much needed in our area), and planning a small co-op for September.

I can't remember when I have felt so excited and so sure about things happening in my life! All for His glory.

So, back to packing and preparing. Till next time - L


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