Thursday, February 25, 2010

We are blessed. Daniel is home and happy to have been serving in Mexico. He is reading a book on understanding relationships, Positive Personality Profiles, by Robert Rohm. This book addresses personal communication styles. Since Daniel wants to study psychology, this is a good one. I have read it several times over the years and found it beneficial in understanding why people act the way they do. It has helped me understand me better too. It is based on the DISC model.

John is in his 15 year old world. He is a terrific son, a quiet communicator. Right now he is experiencing some angst due to his missing writing notebook. Yes, it has just disappeared into oblivion. We have looked everywhere! In this precious book, he has several chapters of a marvelous story. He has spent hours upon hours writing. He and I make special trips to Borders to have a coffee treat and write. Actually, he is handling the loss better than I. He says, "I guess I'll have to start over." "I remember most of it and I can make it better!"

Maybe I am the one with the angst. It's just that he hasn't always loved writing and I am sad that this passionate effort is missing. Where oh where are you notebook?

And my girls... Amy is meeting her boyfriend's parents tonight. They drove all day to meet her. We meet them on Saturday. We'll see...

Lisa is happily pregnant with her second baby, my first grandson!!! 18 month old Audrey has transitioned into the "twos", just like her mother did!!!!! Lisa is tired at the end of the day. I can hardly wait to go spend a month with them. Coming soon!!!

My children will always be my life, no matter how old they get, or how far away they live. I am blessed.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Enjoying a fun crafternoon!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Waiting anxiously to hear from number one son, Daniel. He should be in Texas some time this evening, after six days on a mission in Mexico. I know he is fine, but you know moms, we want to hear the voice. My days lately have been overflowing with God's goodness! Lots and lots of terrific projects to start, continue, or finish. I am preparing for the three homeschool enrichment classes I teach, working with second son, John on SAT preparation, crocheting a blanket for my second grandchild and collaborating with great friends on several new adventures. Life is good!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


i am here