Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Learning Every Day

I have always loved to learn new things. I am a "show me and I can do it" learner. Some things come easier than others, but I must confess that being a blogger of grammie age, has its limitations. Thank heaven for my sweet, sweet daughter Lisa, who is my blog tutor. We just had a wonderful six day visit. Audrey and I read books, drew with markers, did the same puzzle about a zillion times, took a walk and collected acorns, rocks, and a leaf, played with stickers -she puts them EVERYWHERE, sang funny songs, laughed and tickled, dressed and undressed the dolls, over and over and over, played with bubbles in the bath, and cuddled and rocked at bedtime. Oh the wonder of toddlerhood! What a blessing to see the world and learn through the eyes of my granddaughter - awesome!

My daughter is also constantly teaching me something of value. This time, it was about patience. Lisa has a one month old baby boy in addition to the afore mentioned tiny tornado. Baby Jack is what we used to call a "demanding" baby. He wants his mama, all the time. Lisa does what we mothers do and puts her babies' needs first. It's okay if she doesn't get her shower until the hubs gets home. It's okay if she gets nothing else accomplished on her own "to do" list, those babies are top priority. My precious daughter already knows that these times are treasure. And, she still found time to help me with this blog.

Life is about learning, all the time. I love it!


Happy Mama (Lisa Gonzalez)

You've been a wonderful teacher. I see you in the way I mother my children.

Love you.

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